Originally from Culiacán, Mexico, Rocío López has produced several short films in Mexico, the United States, Lebanon and Germany, which have screened at festivals worldwide, including the Warsaw, Morelia, Outfest, Huesca, Singapur, Brooklyn, Monterrey and Starz Denver film festivals, and have won numerous awards, including a Student Academy Award–Oscar® in 2013 for Un mundo para Raúl and the Jury Special Award at the 2014 Chelsea Film Festival for The Cuddle Workshop. Rocío was part of the Zurich Master Class at the 2013 Zurich Film Festival and worked as a costume designer for the feature film Copenhagen and the short films Oasis and The Cuddle Workshop. She is currently producing two feature films, A Few Days in the Sun and Fingerplay.
Posted on January 10, 2010 By Felipe Vilá