Fremdina Bianco is an Argentine filmmaker born in Misiones. She studied Filmmaking and Film Production at the University of Cinema (FUC) in Buenos Aires and completed gender and feminism studies at the Eva Peron National Institute of Historical Research. She is a member of the Argentine association La Mujer y el Cine. Fremdina was selected to participate in the workshop “Filming in Cuba with Abbas Kiarostami” at the International School of Cinema and Television (EICTV) of San Antonio de Los Baños, Cuba. Her professional trajectory as a young artist has been recognized by the Argentine Chamber of Deputies. At the age of 20, she directed her feature film
No hay tierra sin mal, which was selected for numerous festivals around the world. Fremdina won the Raymundo Gleyzer development award granted by the National Institute of Argentine Cinema (INCAA) for her feature film project
Viento norte, and she is currently developing
Esto que me pasa, her first novel.
Viento norte — Marilí’s dreams fall apart after her mother’s death, when she must return to her hometown to take care of her younger sister and the family’s poultry business.
Posted on September 3, 2017 By Felipe Vilá