Daniel Barosa (Brazil/USA)

A graduate from the Universidad del Cine in Argentina, Daniel Barosa currently lives in Los Angeles after spending ten years directing and producing documentaries, music videos, and branded content in Brazil. His latest short film, Boi de Conchas (The Shell Covered Ox), premiered in Sundance in 2024. He wrote and directed the fiction feature Boni Bonita with the help of the EAVE workshop and a post-production award from Vision Sud Est. After being screened and winning awards in festivals such as Mar del Plata and Slamdance, the film was released theatrically in Argentina and Brazil. Daniel also directed the television documentary GRU-PDX, which was purchased by Sundance TV, and the award-winning short film A Tenista (Tennis Girl), which screened in several festivals worldwide, including Rotterdam, BFI London, and Seattle. Daniel has participated in many workshops throughout his career, such as Produire au Sud and Morelia Lab, and is currently working on the feature version of Boi de Conchas, which he is co-writing with Natália Sellani.

Boi de Conchas [co-written with Natália Sellani]While mourning her missing sister, Rayane balances helping her fisherman parents and practicing for the town’s music festival – provided she doesn’t become an ox first, a misfortune assailing several teenagers in the area.