Gabriela Larralde (Argentina)
2022 Storylines Lab in Spanish
2022 Storylines Lab in Spanish
Gabriela Larralde is a writer, screenwriter and university professor at institutions such as the National University of the Arts (UNA) and the Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES) in Buenos Aires. Among her latest works as a screenwriter are the series Monzón (Netflix) and the children’s animated series Petit (PakaPaka). In 2022, the series Ringo (Star +) and the second season of El Presidente (Amazon), in which she was a screenwriter, will be released. Gabriela also co-wrote the feature film scripts Mistral (2019) and Realicó (2020). As a writer, she has published the young adult novel La vida ahora (Planeta Lector, 2020), the children’s book Bestiario secreto de niñas malas (Planeta Junior, 2018), the storybook Soluciones quirúrgicas (Zona Borde, 2015), the research books Diversidad y género en la escuela (Paidós, 2018) and Los mundos posibles (Blatt & Ríos, 2014), and the poetry books La trama materna (Caleta Olivia, 2020), Lo que el agua promete (Huesos de Jibia, 2017) and Las cosas que pasaron (Huesos de Jibia, 2013). She is currently writing her novel La india sirena. Her storybook El Plan received an honorable mention from the National Endowment for the Arts in 2021.
Ellas tres [co-written with Leandro Custo] — Mercedes Caride, a 51-year-old former model, unexpectedly gets pregnant naturally at the same time when Clara, her 30-year-old daughter, is about to separate from the boyfriend she was going to marry.
Posted on April 1, 2022 By Felipe Vilá