Isold Uggadottir is an Icelandic writer/director. Her short films have screened at over 100 festivals, including Sundance and New Directors/New Films hosted by Lincoln Center and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. She is a two-time winner of the Icelandic Academy Awards for Best Short Film (2010 & 2011), in addition to multiple festival awards. Isold holds an M.F.A in screenwriting and directing from Columbia University in New York, where she received the Adrienne Shelly Award for Best Female Director. Her work has been supported by Independent Filmmaker Project/New York State Council on the Arts (IFP/NYSCA), Frameline, New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) and the Hollywood Foreign Press, amongst others. Screen International named Isold “one of the rising stars of Icelandic film”.
Andið eðlilega (And Breathe Normally) — Verging on homelessness following the Icelandic economic collapse, a young woman will go to extreme lengths to prove to her children that she is a fit mother.
Posted on July 30, 2014 By Felipe Vilá