Application form
All information provided in this application form must be in English
Name and surname
Citizenship(s) Gender Date of Birth
Title of the project Logline Your role on the project Please list anyone else involved in writing the script Are you applying with an adapted script? If so, why do you want to make this particular adaptation? Bio Motivation for telling this story Motivation for applying to the lab At what stage of development is your script? Participation in other labs and workshops with this project What is the current status of the project and how do you envision its realization? Previous work How did you hear about Cine Qua Non Lab?
In addition to this application form, please upload the following materials (in pdf files):
A current résumé or CV including educational background, work experience and credits in the film industry [in English]
A synopsis of the story, including the ending (up to 3 pages, using a 12-point Courier font) [in English]
The script in its entirety [in English]
A copy of official registration/ ownership/ copyright of the script
Proof of payment of the application fee
An application fee of 40 USD is required.
Please make your payment through Zelle ([email protected]), via PayPal or by clicking on the button below (debit/credit):