Born in Mexico City, Fernanda Tovar holds a B.A. in Filmmaking with a specialty in Directing from the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC). She also completed an M.F.A. in Cinematography at the Film and Audiovisual School of Catalonia (ESCAC). In 2018 and 2019 she was a scholarship recipient of the Young Creators program of the Mexican Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) in the specialty of film scriptwriting. In 2020 she was part of Talents Latinoamérica: Memorias de un Territorio. Fernanda is the director, writer and editor of
Trans*formar: metáforas de lo (im)posible, a six-episode documentary series for Canal 14 about trans* identities in Mexico, and is currently developing her debut feature film:
Una chica triste.
Una chica triste — Paula was raped by a friend of hers in a small bathroom at a party. She tries to forget it in silence, but she can’t. Guilt and fear make her tell La Maestra, her best friend. Together they seek justice. Faced with the inadequacy of the judicial system, they decide to take justice into their own hands.
Posted on April 11, 2021 By Felipe Vilá